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Peace Children’s Home


Update for July, 2020

It has been a very busy month; we are continuing to follow God’s direction in the Bumala area churches. So far in the past year we have prayed and sought the heart of God for this region under the leadership of Bishop Isaac Odiambo.

Grace from God has led into building 6 church buildings, adding a large addition to the main church that it now has a capacity of close to three hundred. We have accepted one new church into the Kenya family in Aboke, Kennya. God has been looking after His orphans, building a brand-new orphanage for them.

Throughout the pandemic period, we have been able to feed the orphans and widows since drought and country shut down made it impossible for them to get food. Things are opened back up and the fields are growing so there is work again for the widows who are able.

When the pandemic hit and they closed the churches and put a curfew on for all people, we were forced to disperse the orphans back into people’s homes, three weeks ago, we have been able to bring back to the orphanage all the true orphans, about 26-27, Today we are in the process of bring the rest of the orphans back. To bring the total to about 70.

Everyone has been so generous to bring all this into fruition. Thank you all for having your hearts open to God’s plans and leading.

August is proving to be a very busy month as the government is now open again, we have had application in for registering the orphanage, so follow up there, and we are working on plans to build free accredited school for the orphans living in our care. We are beginning the process this week with the required government agencies for approval and by the time all those are ready; we will be in position to build the classrooms onto the orphanage. Government schools cost approximately 800.00 U. S. for a child to go to primary school, Kenya Government has zero programs for anything that helps fund food, clothing, living expenses or education for orphans, widows or the poor. What a blessing to someday; see the result of your selfless acts of kindness.

I wanted to add a few pictures of the orphans getting settled back into their Home called. “ Amani Children’s Home “ ( Peace Children’s Home). We may not understand that the depth of what this home for these children, to finally have a place to call home, a place to not hear how much a burden you are to a family. To have the widows of the church love and nurture you like you mean something more than a responsibity.

Please continue to pray for the ministry there, all the people that are receiving a Holiness message for a better life in Christ Jesus.

Enjoy the faces!


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