Ministries, Prayers & Testimonies
Haiti Kids – "I feel glad to greet you in the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ. As for me, school means many things. It allows me to succeed in society. Your monthly support is very important. It also allows me to pay my school fees. Thank you for that. I will continue to pray to God to bless you and give you good health and the possibility to support me. I promise you that I will keep you informed about my school activities." -Wilnerson Eugene, 3rd grade.
Juvenile Justice Ministry is still looking for people with a heart for youth who are classified as “at-risk.” Please see Pastor Maurice if you are interested in becoming the image of Jesus for these youth.
LCM Women’s Conference, March 3rd and 4th. Jean Watson will be the special guest speaker. Sign-up now because you don’t want to miss this blessed move of God. See Pastor Pam for more information.
Children’s Ministry is in need of two preschool teacher/helpers, and three teacher/helpers in the nursery. Please see Pastor Pam or Pastor Tom if you have a heart for either of these very important ministries.
Advertising- If you have something that someone could use that you would like to give away, please see Pastor Maurice to have it advertised.
Pen Pal Ministry- For those who are willing and able, Antonio would love to hear from you via a letter. Please get his address is on the Pen Pal Ministry Board in the hallway.
Prayer List – Norm and Fran * The Reynolds family * The leaders of this nation, spiritual and natural * Our pastors and shepherds * Our nation: peace and healing in our land * Antonio Aguilar * Our community * Colonial Acres * The church coalition that ministers and prays for Colonial Acres * LCM members who are sick, afflicted, and shut-in * LCM members who are facing hard times * Our police and emergency responders * Youth in the juvenile home and Lakeside Academy * The people in KPEP, jail, and prison.
Testimony Reports – God was definitely in the midst of the fundraising dinner for Colonial Acres on Thursday the 9th.He blessed abundantly and above expectations.Glory to God!
God is continuing to move at LCM, in all departments and ministries.
LCM was able to establish a “First Fruits” monthly offering that has been going well. Just another testimony to God’s goodness.